Take That, Boulez (and Other Assorted Thoughts).

I finished my last full-length paper of the year and am officially on Easter holiday. Two thousand, five hundred words is not a lot. I typically write that much (and revise it a couple times) in maybe a one or two hour period, when writing a story or novel. But so many words on BoulezĀ and... Continue Reading →

When You’re Busy…

I fear that I am caught up in papers and research at the moment... I just finished one essay - on Charles Ives and his symphonic works, no less - and have one more to go. In the meantime, I'll try and update as I can, but sadly it's got to take a back seat... Continue Reading →

Happy 2013.

Happy new year to all! I intentionally didn't do a reflective post yesterday... Instead, I want to look forward. Need to concentrate on learn positivity. Last year was full of good and bad - an okay year, not my favourite. I want to make the most of the coming year. My goals - yes, okay,... Continue Reading →

Why I’ve Been Neglecting my Blog.

I've been so busy lately, I've been really neglecting my blog. I'll probably (hopefully) start posting more regularly once I get into a proper rhythm, but until then, I think every other day is a good starting point. I just know you all wait with bated breath for my every post. šŸ˜› So whatĀ haveĀ I been... Continue Reading →

Dream Job: Crazy Bird Lady.

As the start of the new school year looms on the horizon, I mentally brace myself for the upcoming challenge. Sometimes - though not often - I seriously wish I could go work in something other than music. Sure, I love it. IĀ loveĀ playing viola. But I love it a lot less at the end of... Continue Reading →

How I Came to Scotland and was Enslaved By Birds.

Before coming to Scotland, I had never moved in my entire life. I hadn't even travelled before. Ever. It seems almost strange to think that I had lived in my childhood home with my childhood pets for so long - and then, after high school and two years of community college (where I pottered around... Continue Reading →

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