Positive Vs. Negative Reinforcement in Training

What’s the difference between Positive and Negative Reinforcement? Is negative reinforcement bad? This is, I think, my number one pet peeve in the animal training communities. I've actually seen folks absolutely jump on others who proclaim to use negative reinforcement, equating it to punishment - when, in fact, that is not the case at all.... Continue Reading →

Introducing the Cloud

So we all know the three birds of the flock: Ptak, Mavi, and Tayir. Troublemakers, I tell you. But who is the cloud? Meet baby Atlas, who will be coming home very soon! He's a Samoyed - an ancient breed of sled dog that originates in Russia. They're fluffy and friendly... and aptly referred to... Continue Reading →

Three Birds and a Cloud – a Name Change

Students with Birds blog began on a whim in late 2012 and has grown to be something I'm quite proud of. While I love that name and what it represented, it is true no longer! I've graduated, no longer a student, of course, and have been left ruminating over ideas for longer than I'd like... Continue Reading →

Greetings from the Flock

We're back! I don't know for how long, but I hope to post a bit more frequently than, you know, not at all. Long story made very short, I've been working long hours to keep the flock supplied with toys, and focussing on them when I'm home, rather than posting. Ptak loathes any device that... Continue Reading →

Why I Love Parrots as Companion Animals

Parrots may not make good pets, but I was thinking about this: There are endless reasons why I love them anyway. I'd never give my birds up if I had any kind of a choice! It takes a saint-like amount of patience to live with one...as well as an immunity to mess, noise, and waste...yet... Continue Reading →

Scares and Laughs – Life with Parrots

I had a slightly alarming moment a few nights ago. Ptak, my parrotlet, was contentedly sitting on my shoulder as I wrote. I use a ballpoint pen (that fact is important) in a journal to make notes and jot down the things I need to do. As I began to write, I heard Ptak make a repetitive clicking noise... Continue Reading →

Living with Parrots (from a Non-Bird Person’s Perspective)

What is life like with a parrot, you ask, maybe even from the perspective of someone who doesn't own the bird? It’s a question that many people want to know – for good reason. After all, these animals have a reputation for being difficult to live with due to their noise, mess-making capacity, and rampaging... Continue Reading →

Evidence of an Issue: Parrots as Pets.

With spring so tantalisingly close, I couldn't resist taking the birds out in their carriers for some sunshine today. It was divine, but the warm weather and lengthening days both come with a catch. Hormones are in full blast at this household - and at many others besides. With work on my flock's diet, things are manageable, but it's not an... Continue Reading →

15 Ways Owning a Parrot is Like Having a Forever-Toddler.

I often hear that owning parrots is like bringing a toddler into your house - for life - and I feel like it's true. I don't have kids myself, but I asked some friends and family who have been through the terrible twos... and they agree. There is a reason some people choose to call... Continue Reading →

Project Love: Toys for Parrot Rescues.

I keep meaning to mention Project Love on the Parrots' Workshop. This is a fundraising drive for three amazing rescues, one of which is the Island Parrot Sanctuary (TIPS) - where our umbrella cockatoo, Bobo, now happily resides. He is doing incredibly well, and has been described as a completely different bird! TIPS gives 80+... Continue Reading →

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